Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Making of Dr. TrueloveSian Lloyd: A Funny Kind of Love: My Story The Rise & Fall of Jimmy Wonderboy: A Collection of Stories. Sometimes Sad. Oftentimes Funny. Irish Laced, Somewhat True Tales Based on Family Betrayal, ... Hope, Love, Lust, Sex and Eventually Prison

Lenny walks into the bar and finds his friend Jim sitting there, looking very depressed.
"Hey, why the long face Jim? What's going on with you," Lenny asks. 

"Oh, it's all my wife's doing," replies Jim sadly. "She's hired a new personal assistant for me."
"Well, I don't see anything wrong with that," Lenny says, "Your wife must really love you to take care of you like that." 

"Oh yeah my wife must really love me," says Jim rather unenthusiastically.
"See, I knew it, nothing to worry about. So, is your new assistant blonde or brunette?"
"He's grey haired with a beard!"

Thanks to :OnlyFunnyStory
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